The Physiotherapy Market in Kuwait Grows Significantly | 2024 Market Research

June 9, 2024
The Physiotherapy Market in Kuwait Grows Significantly | 2024 Market Research
The Physiotherapy Market in Kuwait Grows Significantly | 2024 Market Research
June 9, 2024
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Key Findings:

  • 55% of respondents have used physiotherapy services in the past two years.
  • 52% prefer physiotherapy clinics and hospitals over other facilities.
  • The top reasons for doing physiotherapy in Kuwait are chronic pain relief, injury recovery, and mobility improvement.
  • 76% of females aged 40-50 prefer homecare physiotherapy services.
  • The core age group for physiotherapy clinic patients is 25-54 years.

Market Overview:

The physiotherapy market in Kuwait has shown dynamic growth, driven by increasing awareness and the rising prevalence of lifestyle-related ailments.

In our recent comprehensive market research in Kuwait, we surveyed the Kuwaiti population, including active current physiotherapy patients, providing deep insights into physiotherapy consumers' behaviors, preferences, and needs - to help business owners make strategic decisions.

Consumer Awareness and Preferences:

Our research reveals that 55% of the population used physiotherapy services in the past, showcasing a high market penetration.

This indicates the physiotherapy market in Kuwait is experiencing significant growth, driven by increased public health consciousness and a higher prevalence of conditions associated with modern sedentary lifestyles.

Preferences for Clinics & Hospitals:

52% of respondents prefer physiotherapy clinics and hospitals for their treatments.

Government and private hospitals are particularly popular due to their comprehensive service offerings, which include lab tests and other medical consultations.

This indicates a significant opportunity for clinics and hospitals to leverage their broad range of services to attract more patients.

Top Physiotherapy Services:

The top three services in demand are:

1. Chronic Pain Relief

32% of patients seek physiotherapy to manage and alleviate chronic pain conditions. This highlights a significant demand for targeted pain management programs tailored to chronic pain sufferers.

2. Injury Recovery and Rehabilitation

30% of respondents require rehabilitation after an injury, indicating a robust need for specialized recovery programs. Clinics can capitalize on this by offering comprehensive, evidence-based rehabilitation services for effective and speedy recovery.

3. Mobility and Strength Improvement

19% focus on enhancing mobility and strength, particularly among adults and those recovering from surgeries. This demographic underscores the importance of programs to improve overall physical function and quality of life.

4. Other

Sports injuries, pediatric health, respiratory issues, and maternity problems each account for less than 5% of physiotherapy visits.

These lower percentages may be due to a lack of awareness or specialized services for these conditions.

Tailored marketing campaigns highlighting successful treatments in these areas can help attract more patients and expand the market reach.

Daily Lifestyle and Its Impact:

The survey also assessed the daily lifestyle and activity levels of the respondents.

Those with a sedentary lifestyle or physically demanding jobs were more inclined to seek physiotherapy.

This underscores the need for targeted awareness campaigns about the benefits of physiotherapy for various lifestyle groups.

Usage and Interest Levels:

Poixel’s data indicates a strong interest in professional physiotherapy services, with many patients opting for bundled sessions.

The average session duration for most respondents ranges between 30 and 45 minutes.

Patients are comfortable paying extra for more sessions because they trust the clinic and actively engage in the recommended exercises.

While most prefer attending clinic sessions, many also follow prescribed exercises at home.

Key Market Insights for Business Owners:

These insights can guide hospitals and clinics in crafting targeted strategies to better serve their patients and enhance their market positioning.

Homecare Physiotherapy

Homecare services are considered a luxury, offering the same high-quality care as in-clinic sessions but in the comfort of patients' homes.

Our data shows that 76% of females and males aged 40-45 prefer homecare services, indicating that older adults value the comfort, ease of accessibility, and quality these services provide.

Hospitals in Kuwait should develop targeted marketing strategies to appeal to this demographic, as homecare services are in high demand.

Service Customization

Most hospitals in Kuwait offer physiotherapy packages based on the recommendations provided by the physiotherapist after a consultation session.

However, the cumulative cost of these sessions can become quite expensive, with the average session priced between 30-40 KWD and many patients opting for bundled sessions (49%, according to our research). 

To address this, Poixel recommends offering bundled session packages at discounted rates. Additionally, flexible payment plans, such as enabling 3-month installment payments through Tabby, can be introduced.

These options cater to consumers' diverse needs, making the plans more affordable and providing additional benefits.

Building Trust

Emphasizing physiotherapists' expertise and the quality of care can significantly enhance patient trust and loyalty.

According to our research, 55% continue a treatment plan because they trust the doctor.

As a result, it is crucial for the senior physiotherapist in a clinic, along with the secretary and call center staff, to actively promote and commend the capabilities of the assigned therapist.

This approach helps reassure patients about their treatment plan and the competence of the physiotherapist they will be working with for the first time.

By speaking highly of the therapist’s qualifications, experience, and success stories, patients are more likely to feel at ease and confident in their care.

This proactive communication strategy fosters a sense of comfort and strengthens the overall patient experience and trust in the clinic’s services.


The physiotherapy market in Kuwait is growing and is driven by increasing awareness and specific consumer preferences.

To capitalize on this, businesses should tailor their services to meet diverse needs, focusing on chronic pain relief, injury recovery, and mobility improvement.

Emphasizing personalized care and flexible service offerings will attract and retain clients.

Contact Poixel, a leading marketing agency in Kuwait, for expert marketing support to enhance your reach and impact in this competitive market.

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