Poixel's Research Reveals Kuwait Ranks High for Safety, But Not the Safest

January 1, 2024
Poixel's Research Reveals Kuwait Ranks High for Safety, But Not the Safest
Poixel's Research Reveals Kuwait Ranks High for Safety, But Not the Safest
January 1, 2024
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According to a survey by Poixel, the top marketing agency in Kuwait, the country is one of the safest countries in the MENA region. Poixel’s market research found that 85.4% of Kuwait's population feels safe. The key findings from the study shed light on the perceptions of safety among the Kuwaiti population and offer valuable insights for businesses in the security industry.

Key Findings

These key insights offer a critical lens through which brands can view Kuwait’s home security industry, shaping their marketing strategy accordingly. The key findings are,

  1. The feeling of Safety: A substantial 85.4% of Kuwait's total population feels completely safe in their current residences. Furthermore, 66% of the Kuwaiti population has not heard of any crimes in their area in the past 12 months. Hence, the majority of people in Kuwait feel safe where they currently reside.
  1. Home security installation: 60% of Kuwaitis have installed security systems like CCTV cameras in their homes. One of the main reasons for installation was to have a general peace of mind that their family was safe.
  1. Crime Rate Perception: It was observed that Kuwait is considered one of the safest countries in the MENA region, with a safety index of 32.6, followed by Saudi Arabic (24.3), Oman (19.6), and others. Qatar is the safest country in the world, with a crime index score of 14.3 (as per Wisevoter)
  1. Security in Kuwait governorates: The governorates in Kuwait with comparatively higher crime rates are Farwaniya, Mubarak Al Kabeer, and Hawally. However, these are still slightly less compared to other areas. Hence, all areas are felt safe by their residents.
  1. Awareness and Future Purchasing Trends: Half of the population who do not have a security system installed in their homes would not buy one in the next 12 months. This is true for governorates with slightly lower safety scores. As a result, people feel safe in Kuwait and do not feel the need to purchase security systems for their homes.

Geographical Safety Perceptions

Poixel’s study reveals varying perceptions of safety across different Kuwaiti governorates. 85.4% of total residents report feeling safe.

But digging deep within governorates, we find that overall, the NPS scores across all governorates are positive, suggesting that most residents in Kuwait feel safe. Mubarak Al-Kabeer stands out as having the highest perceived safety, while Al Farwaniya shows slightly less safety perception—still, all claim to feel safe within each governorate. 

Understanding these geographic differences is vital for developing localized marketing strategies that resonate with the specific safety concerns and perceptions of each governorate in Kuwait.

Home Security Market in Kuwait

The main motivations for installing security systems include early warnings and family safety.

Hence, the main reason for adopting home security in Kuwaiti houses is to have peace of mind that their family is safe.

Furthermore, people also wanted to have control over potential threats of fire and gas leakage as well. Conversely, the perception of an area being safe and privacy concerns are key barriers to the adoption of home security.

Since most feel safe where they reside, people still have installed security systems in their homes.

Such as even in governorates like Al Farwaniya, where 43% of people reported a crime incidence in the past year, our study found that 62% have installed security systems over there, suggesting that the occurrences of crimes and related threats directly influence the need to install some kind of security system.

Home Insurance Adoption in Kuwait

Home insurance in Kuwait is a type of property insurance that provides financial protection against damages to one's home and personal belongings. It typically covers theft, fire, natural disasters, and other unforeseen incidents that can cause loss or damage.

Poixel finds that 69% of the Kuwaiti population does not have home insurance.

Those who do are mainly married individuals within the 30-44 age range. This group likely perceives higher value in protecting their assets and ensuring family safety.

Many have never thought about getting home insurance, indicating a lack of awareness or prioritization.

Others are unaware of home insurance policies, highlighting an information gap that could be addressed through better education and outreach. 

As per our research, insurance companies in Kuwait must conduct education marketing campaigns to garner buy-in among the population for home insurance. 

Home Automation in Kuwait

Home automation involves integrating various smart devices and technologies to create a cohesive, automated living environment. This can include smart locks, lighting, thermostats, and security systems, all controlled through a central hub or smartphone app.

Poixel’s findings suggest a notable difference in the inclination towards adopting home automation features based on whether respondents already have a home security system.

Those without security systems are more inclined to explore and set up automation features

Potentially viewing them as an initial step towards comprehensive home security and convenience. Respondents who already have security systems might feel that their current setup is sufficient, reducing the urgency or need for further automation.

This insight could inform marketing strategy and product development, focusing on the technological curiosity of non-security system owners. ​​

Future Purchasing Trends

Poixel surveyed those who do not have a security system installed, to understand how likely they are to install one in the coming 12 months.

The data reveals a moderate level of interest in purchasing home security systems.

With an average likelihood of nearly 50%, there is a substantial opportunity for security brands in Kuwait to convert this interest into actual purchases through targeted marketing and educational efforts.

This demographic represents a key market segment that could significantly benefit from home security solutions. ​​

In conclusion

Poixel's market research offers an in-depth understanding of Kuwait's home security sector, highlighting the importance of geographical focus, customer motivations, and awareness campaigns in marketing strategies.

Instead of focusing on safety concerns, Poixel recommends emphasizing 'peace of mind' in marketing communications.

This approach is more likely to resonate with the Kuwaiti audience, as safety is not the primary concern when considering security solutions.

The study serves as a crucial tool for brands aiming to effectively navigate and succeed in the Kuwaiti home security market, providing a foundation for informed decision-making and marketing strategy development.

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